How Physical Therapy Can Improve Balance and Flexibility as You Age

What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy is a specialized care that focuses on easing any injury-related pain. Most people find themselves in a physical therapist’s office in the aftermath of an injury or as a result of damage to certain parts of their bodies. Physicians will prescribe physical therapy appointments for patients who have soft-tissue injuries in their shoulders or other parts of their bodies. This is because the exercises that physical therapists teach you are specifically designed to help heal your body. The long-term goal is to help you move and function better.
Physical therapy can also help with a wide range of issues, including:
- Help alleviate pain
- Improve your movement or flexibility
- Help you work on your balance and help prevent any slips and falls
- Help you control your bowels and bladder
What does a physical therapist do?
It is important to note that physical therapists are not physicians, but they do work in conjunction with physicians to create a physical therapy program tailored to your needs and goals.
Before developing a treatment plan, a good physical therapist will determine your needs. They do this by asking you questions about your pain levels, the reason why you are seeking physical therapy, your daily activities, how you move, and your medical history in general.
At this intake stage, the physical therapist may also have you undergo a battery of tests to determine the following:
- Your ability to reach, bend, or move around
- Your ability to walk well
- Determine a baseline for your balance
- Determine your heart rate while you are active
A good physical therapist will use this information to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals. Your physical therapist is the appropriate person to determine the length and number of treatment/visits you will need.
Benefits of physical therapy as you age
Physical therapy is typically designed to address health concerns arising out of ongoing conditions, such as the aftermath of an injury or a condition such as arthritis. However, physical therapy can also address certain issues before they arise. Physical therapy can be used to improve your flexibility and balance as you grow older.
Flexibility relates to the ability of a muscle to stretch when it needs to be stretched.
Balance issues, by contrast, lead to a feeling that you are going to fall down. A few symptoms of balance issues include:
- Loss of balance.
- Vertigo (sensation of spinning).
- Feeling faint.
- Feeling like you are floating.
Physical therapy can help you address any of these issues before they become a problem. For example, physical therapy can help strengthen the bodily systems, such as muscle strength, joint receptors, and vision issues that contribute to balance issues.
Instead of waiting for any of these issues to become a significant problem, address it head-on. Make an appointment to see one of our talented physical therapists, Paul La Rosa, MS, PT or Billy Reilly, MS, PT at Empire Physical Therapy and Athletic Rehabilitation, PC, to get the care you deserve. To make an appointment, please give our office a call at (646) 491-9141. You can also book an appointment online. We look forward to serving you.
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